Publications Online

Madry, S. 2006, “Hic sunt dracones (Here be dragons): The Integration of Historical Cartographic Data into Geographic Information Systems.” In Archer, S N, Bartoy, K M (eds), Between Dirt and Discussion: Methods, Materials, and Interpretation in Historical Archaeology, Springer.

Madry, Scott, Elizabeth Anne Jones, D. Seth Murray, and Amanda Tickner 2011 Une Micro-Histoire De La Terre Et De L’utilisation Des Ressources: L’intégration des SIG-H (Systèmes d’information géographique historiques) et des données qui y sont liées en Bourgogne du sud in: Le Monde des Cartes, Rapport Cartographique National revue de Comité Français de Cartographie No 208, pp. 75-94,  Juin 2011. 

Madry, Scott, Elizabeth Jones, and Amanda Tickner. 2009 An Improved Method for Extraction of Historical Cartographic Features into GIS: A French Case Study. Annual Proceedings of Computer Applications in Archaeology (online publication)

Madry, SLH & L Rakos 1996 Line-of-sight and cost-surface techniques for regional research in the Arroux River valley, in HD Maschner ed., New Methods, Old Problems. Geographic Information Systems in Modern Archaeological Research (Southern Illinois University Center for Archaeological Investigations Occasional Paper 23):104-126.